
五年级,六年级,七年级和八年级的家庭被邀请到圣. 约瑟夫的预备开放日在 10月20日星期日上午10点.m. - 12:30 p.m. 点击这里 了解更多信息并立即注册!


Our Ignatian 服务 Program facilitates opportunities for our students and colleagues to serve the needs of others in our immediate community and beyond.
符合mg冰球突破试玩网站的 任务 we invite the whole of the Prep to purposefully encounter the world around us in the names, 脸, 以及mg冰球突破试玩网站的弟兄姊妹与上主相遇的经历. 因为基督告诉mg冰球突破试玩网站,“人子来,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人。,无论mg冰球突破试玩网站为他子民中最小的人做什么, mg冰球突破试玩网站为他所做的. mg冰球突破试玩网站对门徒的呼召需要一个 积极响应 to the needs of others and a full recognition of God’s presence in all people, places, and things.


依纳爵服务是mg冰球突破试玩网站课程的一个组成部分. Our students will graduate having immersed themselves in what it means to be a man for and with others. 在他们的四年中,他们将完成至少75个小时的学习.
  • 新生5小时
  • 二年级学生10小时
  • 二年级20小时
  • 长者40小时


Ms. 凯蒂Longto


  • 罗梅罗中心:新泽西州卡姆登,2024年6月3日至8日

    罗梅罗中心是一个城市, 的服务培训, 沉浸式体验根植于天主教信仰传统. 它提供了一个了解卡姆登人民生活的入口, NJ, 以及周边社区. St. 约瑟夫’s Prep will be paired with other Jesuit and Catholic high schools to serve the Camden community.
    Students will spend the week at the 罗梅罗中心 in Camden where they will work with multiple organizations that serve the poor and marginalized in the local communities.
  • 圣心教区:里士满,弗吉尼亚州2024年6月4日至10日

    Sacred Heart Parish and Community Center are  Jesuit ministries serving a diverse population, 包括里士满地区的新移民.  We will spend a week working to help support their ministry and working around the church, 教区及社区中心.  每天的餐食都提供给堂区家庭.  mg冰球突破试玩网站的主要项目是帮助教区准备一年一度的节日.
  • 布雷迪信仰中心,锡拉丘兹,纽约州,2024年6月8日至6月14日

    这次旅行是由纽约州锡拉丘兹的布雷迪信仰中心组织的.  参加这次旅行的人将进行祷告, 服务, 以及对不公正的根源的反思. They will also encounter local leaders who are using creative solutions to combat poverty and injustice.  学生将在不同的地点服务, 比如和低收入家庭的孩子一起工作, 在城市农场和社区花园工作, 为饥饿者服务, 创造社区艺术, 与长者一起工作, 完成小型的房屋维修. 星期四,mg冰球突破试玩网站将以参观勒莫恩学院来结束mg冰球突破试玩网站的旅行, 锡拉丘兹的耶稣会学院, NY.
  • Wheeling Appalachian研究所:西弗吉尼亚州旋转的, 2024年6月16-21日

    通过这次在惠灵的旅行, WV和东俄亥俄河谷, students are given the opportunity to learn about the 历史 and culture of Appalachia, 它的人民, 它的经济参数, 以及煤炭工业. 在旅途中, the students will discuss current issues facing Appalachia in this time of transition away from fossil fuels, and will see firsthand some of the local environmental impacts of our coal industry as well as the environmental and social impacts of our current natural gas boom.  Students will serve community members directly at charitable organizations and indirectly with 服务 in their many urban farms and gardens.
  • 德尔卡米诺边境部:布朗斯维尔,德克萨斯州/雷诺萨,墨西哥,2024年7月6日至13日

    背景:在2020年10月,耶稣会省,Fr. 汤姆·格林,S.J.当时他正访问德克萨斯州的布朗斯维尔. He took a trip into a migrant camp in Matamoros, 墨西哥 and he was struck by the tremendous needs.  当时里奥格兰德河谷还没有耶稣会士.  这是这个国家最贫穷的县之一. 边境两边对移民的需求都很大. Fr. Brian Strassburger和Fr. Louie Hotop were ordained in Spring 2021 and were 任务ed to the border; they have been very inviting of parish and school immersion trips to come and see their work, to join them on both sides of the border and to share the story with their home communities.  
    Students will travel via airplane to 布朗斯维尔,TX  to learn of the realities of immigration.  mg冰球突破试玩网站将住在布朗斯维尔, 得克萨斯州,也将有机会花时间在雷诺萨边境, 墨西哥.  The group will work with agencies such as the Humanitarian Respite Center, Team Brownsville and more.  Students will also have the opportunity to attend mass in both Texas and 墨西哥.  
    这次旅行对即将升学的大四学生开放,需要申请才能参加. 护照是必须的.  
  • St. Michael 任务: St. 迈克尔斯,亚利桑那州(纳瓦霍族)2024年7月6日至13日

    The students will live together in accommodations provided by the religious men and women who work at St. 圣路易斯市的迈克尔教会和印第安人学校. 迈克尔斯,亚利桑那州,大约25英里西北盖洛普,新墨西哥州.  The work for the week will consist of running a Wilderness Camp for the children in the area on 任务 coordinated by the parish staff. Students will spend the week working and understanding more about the culture and history of America’s native peoples. 在晚上, the students will have an opportunity to reflect and interact with the local community. 

  • 伯利恒农场,奥尔德森,西弗吉尼亚州2024年7月7日至13日

    “Bethlehem Farm is a Catholic community in Appalachia that transforms lives through 服务 in the local community and the 教ing of sustainable practices. mg冰球突破试玩网站邀请志愿者加入mg冰球突破试玩网站,活出福音服务的基石, 祈祷, 简单和社区.

    • 与mg冰球突破试玩网站的邻居一起修理房屋
    • 玩得开心 & 和你刚认识的人建立关系
    • 深入挖掘你的精神和生命的意义

    志愿者和伯利恒农场管理员祈祷、玩耍和服务. 在一起.
    最重要的是,mg冰球突破试玩网站在彼此身上遇见上帝. And we figure out what it means to truly live our faith – whatever our faith looks like.”

    了解更多: http://bethlehemfarm.net/Service-week-volunteers
  • 麦肯纳中心:华盛顿特区,2024年8月4日至9日

    由霍勒斯·麦肯纳神父创立, SJ, the McKenna Center is a soup kitchen and drop-in center for homeless men in Washington, DC. 它位于历史悠久的St. 阿洛伊修斯教堂,位于冈萨加学院高中校园内. Students will stay at the Center and will serve meals and visit with guests who utilize the McKenna Center.   Students will also have a chance to meet with local non-profit agencies in DC to learn more about the complex issues of housing and homelessness.  


The 任务 and Ministry Office provides our students with meaningful 服务 experiences that will help them to see the face of Christ in themselves and in those whom they serve. 在费城地区有大量的服务要做, and our goal is to encourage our community to press forward safely for the good of others. 有关当前项目,请访问资源委员会.

  • 辅导学龄儿童
  • 与学龄儿童一起参加读书俱乐部
  • 协助老年人并保持联系
  • 预科人才共享:预科学生共享, 教, 与mg冰球突破试玩网站当地的社区一起示范他们的天赋和能力, (艺术, 技术, 音乐, 木工, 体育运动, 等.)
  • 耶稣学派
  • 关心朋友
  • 圣所的农场
  • 马大社区农场(天主教社会服务)
  • 贝塞斯达项目
  • SSJ邻里中心
  • 从摇篮到蜡笔
  • PAR-Recycleworks
  • 沙利夫街参议员
  • 议员马尔科姆·肯雅塔
  • 州众议员乔安娜·麦克林顿说
  • 准备家庭捐赠的物品
  • 学生们为无家可归者收容所准备特别的关怀包
  • 准备家庭捐赠的物品
  • 预科学校的学生准备给学龄儿童的背包



这个基本的依纳爵价值观是mg冰球突破试玩网站项目的前沿. 虽然别人的物质需求很大, mg冰球突破试玩网站明白,人民群众的需要远远不止于温饱. 在提供食物的同时, 住房和其他资源,mg冰球突破试玩网站也应该寻求服务于人心, 服务于人的精神,承认他们的人性和尊严. Furthermore we realize that these encounters allow for an exchange where oftentimes we receive more than we give. Engaging in 服务 gives our students and members of our community an opportunity to be formed by an experience--to be served by the Son of Man in others.


St. 约瑟夫’s Prep finds itself amidst a community that is abundant in need but more abundant in grace. 考虑到这一点, our program seeks ways in which we can be in solidarity with the people of Philadelphia. Regular community outreach coupled with the opportunity for 服务 immersion trips will give our students and the school community the ability to see the need wherever they go and respond generously.


To serve is to be present to the needs of the person in front of you, wherever you find them. Some types of 服务 lend themselves specifically to the poor and marginalized--people who our students and members of our community may not encounter outside of the periphery of their everyday lives. We hope that during these experiences participants recognize themselves in those that are in much greater need than they, 并且被他们视为个体而不是群体所感动.
